Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you do when it's a slog?

Weight:  179lbs

Tonight I made it out the door and did a run.  Yay!  I know it's a small, but crucial victory.  I didn't go for very long, but it was great to see that I could run a little bit longer still.  I must admit, it feels great to notice the improvements in stamina and breathing and heart rate.  I'm starting to be able to run 1/2 the track now.  That's still only 200m and a few seconds longer, but it's an IMPROVEMENT!!!  :)  I'm looking forward to the day that I can go for 40mins of running without stopping.  That's something I've never been able to do, even when I was younger and much fitter.  So that's one of the goals that I'm working towards.

I was hungry and tired after class, so as an incentive to complete my activity, I promised myself that I would only have to run for as long as it took the frozen lasagna to heat in the oven.  How's that for making sure I didn't have a long workout??  *haha*

I know I promised to share some insights into my core values, but I'm bushed and have a lot of readings to complete before I can go to bed.  So please, excuse me as I beg off.  The books are calling.

Today's question:  What do you do when motivation is low and it's a challenge to get yourself out the door?

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