Wednesday, November 10, 2010

UPDATED: Bananatastic Smoothie recipe

Okay, I posted this recipe of mine earlier, but I've since tweaked the formula and made it even more irresistable.  So here are the deets:

  • bananas
  • young coconut flesh
  • can of coconut milk
  • (almond) mik

  • Buy a bunch of bananas (organic or otherwise) ahead of time and let them ripen to a full speckle (but before the ends get dark/bruised).  This is the stage where you get the most bananatastic flavour.  Peel them, put them in a ziploc and then place in freezer.
  • Buy a young (green) coconut at your local asian grocers (not the regular hard brown coconuts).  Open carefully or you'll spill the juice like I did.  You may need to experiment with a technique a few times, but it's OH-SO-WORTH-IT!  Drink/Save the coconut juice (you can use it in this recipe if you like).  Pull out all the fresh coconut meat.  I use my small hands, but for sausage-fingered guys, a spoon is just as good.  Put the flesh into the same ziploc bag and freeze.  

Place 1-1/2 frozen bananas into blender.  Add a small chunk of coconut (don't need a lot.).  Pour a little coconut milk for added creamy-ness.  Maybe 1/2 of a cup.  I eyeball it.  Then fill the rest with unsweetened (almond/soy/regular) milk (10oz).  Blend till smooth.  
[I use a magic bullet, so the serving size is perfect for one person, one glass... which truthfully, is all I should be making for myself.  I would guess that the serving size is about 355ml (a can of pop).]
This comes out smelling like a tropical beach.  I'm always so excited with anticipation during the time it takes me to make it.  And because I have my fruit ready and frozen, it takes me less than a minute to whip this up when I feel like a treat.  It's unbelievably simple and quick, and yummy-nummy!!!  The hardest part for me is waiting for the bananas to speckle!  *ahahaa*  

Try this recipe and let me know what you think!  


  1. Sorry about the lack of a real smoothie picture. I tried to upload one yesterday, but only succeeded in reinfecting my newly reformatted computer with another virus. *sigh*

    I'll get it right eventually. *haha* ;)

  2. Great smoothy recipe - all you need now is to add some protein. A nice scoop of vanilla protein powder will do the job .... and maybe some flaxseed oil for those healthy omega acids. Now your talking!
